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Unit 0: Introduction to LS 101

Each unit in the course will look much like this one. There will be a page like this that gives an overview of the unit. When you are ready to begin working on the unit content, click on the content links in the left menu (they begin with "U0," which is short for Unit 0; you may need to click the down arrow to see them). The list looks long, but the majority of tasks are very brief.


The first part of the unit overview page (Summary) will summarize what the unit is about. The second part (Learning Objectives) lists the learning objectives -- those things that you will be able to do if you master the unit's content. The third part (To-do) presents the activities of the unit -- what you need to read (or watch) and do to complete the unit. Note that I have ordered the To-do list intentionally and thoughtfully. Your best bet is to work through the list in order.


Finally, for each bullet point in the To-do section, you will find a corresponding link in the left menu. Due dates are listed within the To-do list as well as within the Course Schedule (the latter is found on the Syllabus/Schedule page, linked in the main navigation menu above).




We're calling this week's unit "Unit 0" because we won't yet get into the meat of our subject. Instead, we'll spend this week learning about the course and getting to know each other. It's sort of like the first session of an in-person class, only since this is online, we won't be getting out early (sorry!).

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Learning Objectives:

 After completing this unit, you will be able to:


  • Navigate the course in Blackboard successfully
  • Recall important course information from the syllabus
  • Identify strategies for online learning
  • Discuss the importance of having complete and accurate information
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To Do:


  • View: "Instructor's Welcome" video
  • View: "How to Navigate This Course" video
  • Read: Syllabus and course schedule
  • Complete Syllabus Quiz (final submission due Wed 5/18, 6 points)
  • Complete Assessing Library Skills (due Wed 5/18, 2 points)
  • Update your eWolf profile (due Wed 5/18, 2 points)
  • Read: About the eWolf eportfolio system
  • Read: "Why does research matter?"
  • Post introduction (due Wed 5/18, 8 points)
  • Extra credit: Post feedback on two classmates' Introductory posts (due Sun 5/22, 2 points)
  • Extra Credit: Unit Survey (due Thurs 5/26, 3 points)
  • Optional: Explore Online Learning Strategies
  • Optional: Learn to use Blackboard
  • Optional: How to Make Videos
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