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Extra Credit: Review Other Portfolios


 Take a look at the Research Question Activity page in the portfolios of at least 2 of your classmates and leave comments.


The Discussion Response Guidelines from the syllabus aren't a perfect match for this unit's discussion. Instead, I will grade based on these criteria.


  • For each research question, your comment either:
    • Provides feedback on the strength of the argument presented by the classmate (Are you convinced? Is there an element he or she didn't consider? Does another research question make more sense in light of the argument? Etc.), OR
    • Provides feedback on the research question itself if the classmate created his or her own question (What is good about it? What could be improved?)
  • Comment is long enough that it accomplishes the above. Note: It is unlikely that you will be able to accomplish this is in less than 150 words -- and it may take you many more than this.
  • Writing is easily understood, is in accordance with college level writing standards, and abides by our course respectful communication standards.


Where will you find your classmates' portfolios? Try this:




1. Log in to eWolf.



2. Click on Courses on the top left menu.



3. Select the course (in this case, LS A101) listed near the middle of the page.



4. From the menu UNDER the eWolf image, select People. (There is another link labeled People in the top left -- this is not the one you want.)



5. Scroll down to see a listing for each of your classmates. Click on the link that says [Student's Name]'s Portfolios.



6. Locate and click on the portfolio they made for this course.



You can comment using the comment tool at the bottom of the page, or, if the student has activated this feature, you can select the text you want to comment and leave the comment there.


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