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Tau Kappa Epsilon


In the fall of 2012, UAA student Max Bullock invited Xavier to start a fraternity with him along with the now deceased Mabil Duir. Without hesitation, Xavier said "yes". Upon his return to UAA from studying abroad, the founding fathers included Ricky Castillo and Brandon Kelley, and together they have built the TKE fraternity upon the three pillars of leadership, academics, and service. On March 28th, 2015 they chartered with 35 members to become Phi-Alpha and initiated Xavier’s mentor Jon Bittner as an Honorary Member.


(Taken in 2015)

Tau Kappa Epsilon is now the largest collegiate fraternity in Alaska.



The positions Xavier served as are as listed:

Founding Father (2012 - forever)

Philanthopy Chair (2013 - 2014)

Hegemon (2014 - 2015)

Scholarship Chair (2014 - 2015)

Membership Quality Board (2014 - 2015)

Board of Directors (2015 - present)



To look at Tau Kappa Epsilon's Facebook Page, follow this link:


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